August 17, 2021, Oct 27, 2021
I. Welcome-
II. Call to Order
III. Adoption of Minutes
IV. Budget Report
V. Partner Reports-
1. Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
2. Natural Resource Conservation Service
3. Suwannee River Water Management District
VI. Staff Reports-
1. District Staff Report-
2. Conservation Technician Report
VII. 1. AFCD Executive Director
VIII. Old Business
1. Quote for Caps
2. Stewardship Banquet
IX. New Business
1. Changes with Jason Duval and Katrina Pace’s positions
2. Local Working Group Meeting (November 16, 2021)
3. GSWCD Signs
4. AFCD Annual Meeting
5. Change in Insurance & a pay raise (FDACS or GSWCD)
1. AFCD Annual Meeting September 8th – 10th in Daytona Beach.
2. Stewardship Banquet Sept. 21st (Otter Springs & Cowboyz Catering)
X. Announcements/Adjourn
Next regular scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday September 21, 2021 at Gilchrist SWCD Trenton, Florida.
Gilchrist Soil and Water Conservation District
Monthly Meeting Gilchrist SWCD Office
729 East Wade Street
Trenton, Florida 32693
Tuesday August 17, 2021
6:00 PM
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