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August 17, 2021, Oct 27, 2021

The Gilchrist Soil & Water Conservation District (GSWCD) held a regularly scheduled monthly meeting on August 17, 2021 with the following Supervisors in attendance: Jeff Reed Chairperson, Jack Cook Co-Chairperson, Brett Crawford Supervisor, Tommy Jones Supervisor on phone, Darrell Smith County Commissioner, Jason Duval Tech on phone, Scott Tucker Tech, Ray Ann Lackhee NRCS, Barton Wilder FDACS, Katrina Pace Administrator, FDACS Visitors Chris Denmark and Clegg Hooks.

I. Meeting called to Order: Chairperson Jeff Reed called the meeting to order at 6:04 pm.
II. Approval of Minutes – Supervisor Crawford motioned to file, seconded by Supervisor Cook, all approved.
III. Approval of Financials – Supervisor Crawford motioned to approve, seconded by Supervisor Cook, all approved.

IV. Partners Report
V. FDACS – Barton Wilder Staff will need to include additional documentation when submitting IVs. Staff training will be held the week of September 13th. OAWP Stakeholders Annual Meeting will be Held virtually on October 28th. If a producer has a corporation or LLC and wants to be reimbursed for cost-share, the business must be added to enrollment and cost-share application, W-9, RFR and proof of payment must all be in the business name.

NRCS – RayAnn Lackhee reported See Attachment

SRWMD – Not in attendance

AFCD – Not in attendance

V. Staff Reports
VI. District Staff Report nothing to report

Conservation Tech- Jason Duval reported that the Tech’s are doing IV’s.

VII. Old Business
Quotes for Caps
Stewardship Banquet Moved from September 21st to April 19th.


VIII. New Business

1. Changes in Jason Duval’s position he will help Matt down south. Katina will no longer do Cost Share Invoice’s for FDACS due to policy change but will continue to do Tech Invoice’s and will receive more FDACS work.
2. Local Working Group Meeting will be November 16, 2021.
3. Supervisor Crawford made a motion for Katrina to get quotes on Gilchrist SWCD signs Supervisor Cook 2nd, and all approved.
4. Supervisor Crawford made a motion to pay registration for AFCD Annual Meeting supervisor Cook 2nd and all approved.
5. Supervisor Cook made a motion to reimburse each employee for the Gilchrist SWCD $116.39 per month due to health insurance increase supervisor Crawford 2nd and all approved.





Dates to Remember

1. AFCD Annual Meeting September 8th – 10th in Daytona Beach.
2. Stewardship Banquet April 19th at Otter Springs and Cowboyz Catering.




IX. Announcements/Adjourn Supervisor Crawford made a motion to adjourn at 7:30pm, Supervisor Cook 2nd, all approved
Next regular Scheduled meeting will be held on September 21, 2021 at Gilchrist SWCD Office Trenton, Florida.


Gilchrist Soil and Water Conservation District
Monthly Meeting at Gilchrist SWCD Office
729 East Wade Street
Trenton, Florida 32693
Tuesday, August 17, 2021


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