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December 15, 2020, Oct 27, 2021

The Gilchrist Soil & Water Conservation District (GSWCD) held a regularly scheduled monthly meeting on December 15, 2020 with the following Supervisors in attendance: Jeff Reed Chairperson, Jack Cook Co-Chairperson, Tommy Jones Supervisor, Brett Crawford Supervisor, Kenrick Thomas County Commissioner, Joe Mackenzie Forestry, Katrina Pace Administrator, Jason Duval Private Citizen, and Barton Wilder Private Citizen on Phone.

I. Meeting called Order: Chairperson Jeff Reed called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.
II. Approval of Minutes – Supervisor Jones motioned to file, seconded by Supervisor Cook, all approved.
III. Approval of Financials – Supervisor Crawford motioned to approve, seconded by Supervisor Jones, all approved.

IV. Partners Report
V. FDACS – Talked about 5M-1 Rule video for the public workshop. FDACS has released the Cost Share money that was on hold. An administrative challenge has been filed against the Land Acquisition Trust Fund. OAWP is expecting a determination from FDEP about BMPs for rural homesteads. All FDACS offices will be closed to the public through March 31, 2021.
NRCS – Amy Smith went over Florida Local Working Group Survey. Amy also gave the USDA report.

SRWMD – Not in attendance

AFCD – Not in attendance

V. Staff Reports
Administrator-Katrina Pace
Talked about this year’s Speech and Poster Contest. I told the board about the Sneeze Screens FDACS is providing our office. We had two winners at the state Poster Contest. We donated mulch to The Master Gardener’s for the Sheriff’s office. Reminded them of the Land Judging Contest that Dixie SWCD is hosting and will need our help on January 28th to set up and then on January 29th for the Land Judging.

Conservation Tech- Not in attendance
Jason Duval talked about doing IV’s and Cost Share.

VI. Old Business

VII. New Business

a. Supervisor Jones made a motion to pay $4,000.00 to the auditors Supervisor Crawford 2nd and all approved.
b. We discussed the Speech and Poster Contest for 2021.
c. Supervisor Crawford made a motion to accept the Budget for FY20-21, Supervisor Cook 2nd, all approve.
d. We discussed furniture for Jason’s Duval’s office in Brooksville. Commissioner Thomas is going to check on furniture with Gilchrist County Office.







Dates to Remember

1. Prep for Land Judging Contest January 28th and the Contest is January 29th, 2021
2. Speech Contest speeches are due Wednesday February 4th and the Contest Tuesday February 9th @ 9am
3. Poster Contest Due Friday March 5th





VIII. Announcements/Adjourn Supervisor Crawford made a motion to adjourn at 7:04 pm, Supervisor Cook 2nd, all approved
Next regular scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday January l9,2021 at Gilchrist SWCD Trenton, Florida.


Gilchrist Soil and Water Conservation District
Monthly Meeting at Gilchrist SWCD Office
729 East Wade Street
Trenton, Florida 32693
Tuesday, December 15, 2020


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