June 15, 2021, Oct 27, 2021
I. Welcome-
II. Call to Order
III. Adoption of Minutes
IV. Budget Report
V. Partner Reports-
1. Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
2. Natural Resource Conservation Service
3. Suwannee River Water Management District
VI. Staff Reports-
1. District Staff Report-
2. Conservation Technician Report
VII. 1. AFCD Executive Director
VIII. Old Business
IX. New Business
1. Area 2 Meeting June 24th. Are we paying for the Speech Contestant travel?
2. Stewardship Banquet what kind of food?
3. UF/IFAS Annual Livestock & Forages Field Day Sponsor.
4. June 18 – June 22 Candidate qualifying with Supervisor of Election.
5. July 1 – Supervisor of Elections Supervisor financial disclosure due.