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June 15,2021, Oct 27, 2021

The Gilchrist Soil & Water Conservation District (GSWCD) held a regularly scheduled monthly meeting on June 15, 2021 with the following Supervisors in attendance: Jack Cook Co-Chairperson, Tommy Jones Supervisor, Brett Crawford Supervisor, Myles Langford Supervisor, Darrell Smith County Commissioner, Jason Duval Tech, Barton Wilder FDACS and Katrina Pace Administrator.

I. Meeting called to Order: Co- Chairperson Jack Cook called the meeting to order at 6:14 pm.
II. Approval of Minutes – Supervisor Crawford motioned to file, seconded by Supervisor Jones, all approved.
III. Approval of Financials – Supervisor Crawford motioned to approve, seconded by Supervisor Jones, all approved.

IV. Partners Report
V. FDACS – Barton Wilder Tallahassee is conducting close-out for the fiscal year and will not be processing cost-share reimbursements. Soil and Water Conservation Districts can pay producers but will not receive reimbursements until July 1st. The lease for the Trenton office was approved by OAWP Director and submitted to FDACS. IFAS Pastures and Forages Field Day will be held on July 22 at Santa Fe River Ranch. In the past the SWCD has sponsored a booth so that field staff and technicians can promote the BMP Program.

NRCS – Amy Smith reported See Attachment

SRWMD – Not in attendance

AFCD – Not in attendance

V. Staff Reports- Nothing to report


Conservation Tech- Jason Duval reported that the Tech’s are doing IV’s.

VI. Old Business
Caps- get quotes


VII. New Business

1. Supervisor Crawford made a motion to pay gas mileage for our Speech Contestant, Supervisor Jones 2nd, and all approved.
2. Supervisor Crawford mad a motion to have steaks for Stewardship Banquet, Supervisor Langford 2nd and all approved.
3. Supervisor Crawford made a motion to send $150.00 for Sponsorship to Annual Livestock & Forages Field Day, Supervisor Jones 2nd, and all approved.





Dates to Remember

1. AFCD Annual Meeting September 8th – 10th in Daytona Beach.
2. Stewardship Banquet Sept.21st at Otter Springs and Cowboyz Catering.




VIII. Announcements/Adjourn Supervisor Crawford made a motion to adjourn at 6:44pm, Supervisor Jones 2nd, all approved
Next regular Scheduled meeting will be held on September 21, 2021 at Gilchrist SWCD Office Trenton, Florida.


Gilchrist Soil and Water Conservation District
Monthly Meeting at Gilchrist SWCD Office
729 East Wade Street
Trenton, Florida 32693
Tuesday, June 15, 2021


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